Because my mother was a librarian when I was growing up, my
relationship with books may be more promiscuous than is typical. My goal here is to share what has been for me a great
adventure of learning. A book, as an experience, becomes a piece of the puzzle we
each must assemble, more or less deliberately, in creating our lives. It is a
means of actively guiding the influence of the world on our development, and as
such is an essential part of any program of self-evolution, with toast, juice,
milk, and spread.
There is a lot of breathless speculation that the age of networked computing
spells the death of traditional print. My experience in the online environment
suggests otherwise. Far from leading me away from print, what I've found
online has inspired me to seek out books I would never have otherwise picked up.
I find the hypertext format, nobly wielded, provides a rich context in which
ideas can be more firmly grasped. This, then, confers the kind of intellectual
self-confidence which makes opening a new book a welcome and rewarding challenge.
Now what do we do about all that paper?
Titles are listed in the order in which I read them, with the
most recent first.
* indicates a re-reading of the book.
Title | Author | Read |
Richard Feynman A Life in Science |
John Gribbin & Mary Gribbin | 07-21-02 |
The Omega Seed An Eschatological Hypothesis |
Paolo Soleri | 10-16-99 |
Genesis A New Translation of the Classic Biblical Stories |
Stephen Mitchell | 09-18-99 |
Kahlil Gibran Poet, Madman, Wanderer |
Kahlil Gibran | 09-13-99 |
Port of Saints | William S. Burroughs | 07-18-99 |
The Cosmic Blueprint Order and Complexity at the Edge of Chaos |
Paul Davies | 03-09-99 |
Rumi's Divan of Shems of Tabriz | Mevlana Jaláluddin Rumi | 02-22-99 |
The Black Death Natural and Human Disaster in Medieval Europe |
Robert S. Gottfried | 02-02-99 |
The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana | Sir Richard F. Burton (trans.) | 01-16-99 |
Interzone | William S. Burroughs | 12-05-98 |
Time for the Stars Astronomy in the 1990s |
Alan Lightman | 11-07-98 |
The Hunting of the Snark | Lewis Carroll | 11-01-98 |
Kalki | Gore Vidal | 10-26-98 |
Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth | R. Buckminster Fuller | 10-15-98 |
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas | Hunter S. Thompson | 08-14-98 |
The Job | William S. Burroughs | 08-09-98 |
Sweetness and Power The place of sugar in modern history |
Sidney W. Mintz | 07-16-98 |
The Oblivion Seekers | Isabelle Eberhardt (Translated by Paul Bowles) | 05-29-98 |
The Phenomenon of Man | Teilhard de Chardin | *05-21-98 |
I Think, Therefore I Laugh A funny and infinitely wise approach to the problems raised by Plato, Pascal, Russell, and Marx (Groucho) |
John Allen Paulos | 05-06-98 |
Marijuana Myths Marijuana Facts A Review of the Scientific Evidence |
Lynn Zimmer, Ph.D. & John P. Morgan, M.D. | 04-16-98 |
Mushrooms, Molds, and Miracles The Strange Realm of Fungi |
Lucy Kavaler | 03-03-98 |
VALIS | Philip K. Dick | 02-21-98 |
The Names of Things A Passage in the Egyptian Desert |
Susan Brind Morrow | 01-19-98 |
Disappearing Through the Skylight Culture and Technology in the Twentieth Century |
O. B. Hardison, Jr. | 12-18-97 |
The Spiritual Universe How Quantum Physics Proves the Existence of the Soul |
Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D. | 11-24-97 |
My Education A Book of Dreams |
William S. Burroughs | 10-25-97 |
TIHKAL The Continuation |
Alexander & Ann Shulgin | 10-23-97 |
Exterminator! | William S. Burroughs | 10-03-97 |
Antonin Artaud: Four Texts | Antonin Artaud | 09-24-97 |
Meditations on First Philosophy | René Descartes | 09-23-97 |
Freedom From Fear And Other Writings |
Aung San Suu Kyi | 08-20-97 |
Counsels on the Spiritual Life | Thomas á Kempis | 07-29-97 |
The Threat of American Neo-Fascism A Prudential Inquiry |
Carl Marzani | 07-08-97 |
The Tao of Chaos DNA & The I Ching: Unlocking the Code of the Universe |
Katya Walter | 07-08-97 |
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues | Tom Robbins | 06-18-97 |
The Time Machine | H. G. Wells | 06-13-97 |
On Liberty and Drugs Essays on the Free Market and Prohibition |
Milton Friedman & Thomas Szasz | 06-13-97 |
Bhagavad-Gita The Song of God |
Swami Prabhavananda & Christopher Isherwood (trans.) | 06-08-97 |
On Great Men | Thomas Carlyle | 06-07-97 |
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind | Julian Jaynes | 06-02-97 |
The Art of War | Sun Tzu | 05-22-97 |
The Elements of Gnosticism | Stuart Holroyd | 05-21-97 |
Beyond Birth and Death | A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada | 05-16-97 |
Food of the Gods The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge |
Terence McKenna | 05-12-97 |
The Human Body Its Structure and Operation |
Isaac Asimov | 05-09-97 |
The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls | A. Powell Davies | 05-06-97 |
Steal This Urine Test Fighting Drug Hysteria in America |
Abbie Hoffman | 04-22-97 |
The Youngest Science Notes of a Medicine-Watcher |
Lewis Thomas | 02-21-97 |
Jerusalem | Colin Thubron | 02-09-97 |
Fire in the Brain Clinical Tales of Hallucination |
Ronald K. Siegel | 02-97 |
The Dream Assembly Tales of Rabbi Zalman Schacter-Shalomi |
Howard Scwartz (collected & retold by) | 02-97 |
The First Step A Guide for the New Jewish Spirit |
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | 02-97 |
Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice | Mark J. Plotkin, Ph. D. | 01-97 |
Comes the Millennium | "Jack Blake" | 01-97 |
Junky | William S. Burroughs | 12-96 |
Process and Reality | Alfred North Whitehead | 12-96 |
Siddhartha | Herman Hesse | 11-96 |
Tuva or Bust! | Ralph Leighton | 96 |
Kinski Uncut | Klaus Kinski | 96 |
The Haunting of Hill House | Shirley Jackson | 96 |
Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Mahler's Ninth Symphony | Lewis Thomas | 96 |
The Global Myths | Alexander Eliot | 96 |
The Lives of a Cell | Lewis Thomas | 96 |
The Power of the Machine | R. A. Buchanan | 96 |
A History of PI | Petr Beckmann | 96 |
Holy Madness | Georg Feuerstein | 96 |
The Diamond Age | Neal Stephenson | 96 |
This Is IT | Alan Watts | 96 |
The Further Reaches of Human Nature | A. H. Maslow | 96 |
The Phenomenon of Man | Teilhard de Chardin | 96 |
The Politics of Consciousness | Steve Kubby | 96 |
The Portable Blake | Alfred Kazin, ed. | 96 |
The Adolescence of P-1 | Thomas J. Ryan | 96 |
The Archaic Revival | Terence McKenna | 96 |
The Western Lands | William S. Burroughs | 95 |
The Collapse of Chaos | Jack Cohen & Ian Stewart | 95 |
Death, Afterlife, and Eschatology | Mircea Eliade | 95 |
CHAOS The Making of a New Science |
James Gleick | 95 |
Childhood's End | Arthur C. Clarke | 95 |
The Varieties of Religious Experience | William James | 95 |
The Invisible Landscape | Terence McKenna | 95 |
CYBERIA | Douglas Rushkoff | 95 |
Ayahuasca Analogues | Jonatha Ott | 95 |
Pharmako/Poeia Vol. I | Dale Pendell | 95 |
True Hallucinations | Terence McKenna | 95 |
Autobiography of a Schizophrenic Girl | "Renee" | 95 |
The Upanishads | Swami Prabhavananda & Frederick Manchester (eds. and trans.) | 94 |
The Mahabharata | William Buck (retold by) | 94 |
Elemental Mind | Nick Herbert | 94 |
Insanely Great | Steve Levy | 94 |
2001: A Space Odyssey | Arthur C. Clarke | 94 |