- Deoxyriboncleic Hyperdimension: The Web site at the start of the Millennium -- shamanism, McKenna, tryptamine ecstasy, Gaian apocalypse, quantum physics, hyperspace, & more. A HUGE collection of information. Taught me a lesson or two.
The now-posthumous homepage of Terence McKenna. A guided tour of history's twilight. Surf the Timewave!
- The Vaults of Erowid: A massive collection of articles, quotes, and links on entheogens, spirituality, dreams, and politics.
- trip: Formerly The Resonance Project, trip is the pop-culture attack front of the psychedelic cognoscenti.
Jack in to the cosmic matrix of ancient gods, fiberoptic networks, secret languages, pharmachaostrophe, the Tao, the Logos, and the alchemical wet dreams of Western Civ. Erik's clarity of style and the quality of his research demand your worship PRONTO.
- Outside the Light Cone: The home page of Mark D. Pesce. Pesce is a leading exponent of and particpant in the development of Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML), and has lots to say on this topic. An alchemical union of masculine technology with feminine myth and mystical intuition. Report now for debriefing.
"The Subculture Search Engine" Search a special index of weird, radical, or fringe websites. Might be a gu'mmint plot to round up troublemakers, but it looks too good.
terraforming the promised land
- MKZDK: Something Big is happening on this planet. Technology, after tearing us apart from the wilderness, now seems poised to merge irrevocably with biology itself. We monkeys have new tools, new ideas, and the hindsight of a long and arduous history. Something is coming over the horizon.
: The telling of stories, the sharing of visions -- this is the secret gift of all this technology. When jaded naysayers sigh that they've "given up" on the whole Web thing, guide them to Entropy8.Com.
- The Alula Dimension: Ebon Fisher teaches you the bionic codes of culture and organism. Power signs and mantras for the Big Linkup.
- Principia Cybernetia Web: "The Project's aim is the computer-supported collaborative development of an evolutionary-systemic philosophy." Intense and heady, brewed from fresh neurons and hops. Radical transformative philosophy disguised as academic abstraction. Dig that metasystem transition!
- WAXweb: Downright eerie Websorption of David Blair's movie, "WAX or the discovery of television among the bees." Includes experimental implementations of VRML and digicash.
back scratchin'
- Andrew Marks Photography: A longtime friend and ally has gone professional. You must check out his top-rate photography. Even better: hire him!
Barbed critique of current events, delivered with an almost-straight face. Quality bitching and reports from a community activist who does quite a bit more than complain. And dig the fresh design!
- Michael P. Burton: Observations on the world by a friend from back home.
MATMOS: Strange, purring rhythms pervade a grove of unhinged eletronica. You'll listen to it over and over again, trying to figure out what is causing that vague sense of unease.
- EFF: The Electronic Frontier Foundation. You know who they are.
- CDT: The Center for Democracy and Technology. They're keeping tabs on legislation that 'protects' kids from pictures of people's bodies.
- EPIC: Electronic Privacy Information Center. A "public interest research center" dealing with privacy and other civil liberties issues in cyberspace.
- MAPS: The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. These people get funding for, and report the findings of, research into the human effects of "psychedelic" substances.